The Activated Singer: Components of an Emerging Singing Identity in Adults Learning to Sing.

Karen Wise, Andrea Halpern

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Many adults avoid singing participation, even in informal situations. We examined components of singing identity in self-identified non-singers using questionnaires, including a novel Singing Inhibition (SI) scale, among 238 adults volunteering for a training study. Higher levels of Singing Inhibition were predicted by a combination of lower self-reported singing skill, lower Parental/Family Engagement in singing, and stronger belief that singing is a fixed ability. A subsample of 20 self-reported non-singers (aged 23–71) participated in 10 months of singing lessons, and we tracked changes in objective singing competence as well as self-assessments and singing-related attitudes and beliefs at baseline, at six months, and at the conclusion. Among the trainees, some but not all aspects of singing improved. Importantly, we found that after six months, participants showed a significant reduction in Elitist Attitudes and Sensitivity to Social Judgment in singing and viewed singing as more open to improvement rather than a fixed talent. Self-assessment of accuracy, vocal tone, and physical sensations also improved. We view this shift as becoming an Activated Singer, encompassing both skills and attitudes, which is encouragement for even life-long non-singers to begin the journey to becoming a singer.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)288-306
JournalMusic Perception
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2024


  • singing attitudes
  • singing competence
  • musical identity
  • training
  • adults


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